My Story

I'm Sabita Menon

Chatter Box, Border Line OCD, Extrovert, Versatile, Curious, Streak of Insanity, Impulsive, Quick-Witted, Creative and Compassionate

Let me start by quoting Vincent van Gogh, “I would rather die of passion than of boredom”.

The overpowering passion of chasing everything that inspires me, and bordering on an obsession, adds that extra significance to my way of life. I have no unusual skills. Passion is the essence of who I am!

My blog persona is the real me. A little weird, which is good; normal is overrated.

I believe in the magic of new beginnings, but I’m also crowned the “Procrastination Connoisseur”. I wait forever, saying I’m waiting to seize the right moment, which never comes. Who am I fooling?

I’ve lingered long for my courage to catch-up on very many pursuits. Creating a blog was at the top of my priority list. I reached a point of exhaustion, fighting my inner saboteur that constantly fractured my motivation. One day, I woke up to this little voice inside of me, “trust me, you’ve got this”. That silent whisper was deafening, and I haven’t looked back since then. All it took was that One Moment and One Decision. I’m not sure where this will lead me, but I’m on my way!

My journey started in my late teens with the responsibility to understand life in its entirety. My career and experience in various business segments extends almost 30 years. I’m now enjoying the perks of getting older and wiser; that come as stability, clearer priorities, wiser perspective, acceptance, and no expectations.

Today, at this prime youth of old age, I’m not going to sit in a rocking chair and watch life go by. Life is too short to be anything but happy and true to myself. It’s great to be in a sunny space for reasons beyond which have enriched my life today.

The journey forward is exciting, keeping me on my toes and allowing me to embrace everything that excites and inspires me.

All that I do today is an expression of my happiness.