Writer’s Nook

Writers Nook-min

Putting pen to paper is a rewarding process. Writing helps us explore our emotions, process them and form a new perspective. It is powerful and emotional to let the words flow and the characters tell the story. An opportunity to turn our thoughts, ideas and feelings into something tangible.

Do we need a story to connect us?

Stories spark a connection. Storytelling resonates in ways which inspire, change lives, improve skills, help us bond and so much more. We are here to share, engage in meaningful conversations, voice our opinion, connect with like-minded people and re-discover ourselves.

Inspired to share a fictional or non-fictional story? Here’s your opportunity!

Inviting you to take part in “Headlines & Deadlines” where you get to share your unique piece of content on a specific topic. This creative challenge to be held every other month. The topic, writing guidelines, a few ground rules, deadline for submission, and the strict word limit will be shared a week prior to submission date. Let’s have fun. Watch out for the alerts!

If you wish to share topic suggestions or topics that you would like to read on the blog or submit any guest post, please email SabitaM@sabisquill.com with an outline of your article’s topic.

Are you looking forward to what’s coming up next? On alternate Fridays you will receive an email on new posts. Please make sure that I don’t get filtered to your spam folder. 

I am looking forward to hearing from you.


Comments (12)

Love it Sabi! Absolutely brilliant! So happy for you!
Stay well and be well my friend.
Warmest Regards & Love,
Sonia David

Thank you so much Sonia. Stay safe.

Congratulations Sabi, looking forward to reading more, who knows I might be tempted to write something. Much love

Thanks Vijju. Please do write.

Congratulations Sabita! Love the one on Sasha….keep them coming😊

Thanks so much. Great to have you on this journey.

Awesome Sabi wishing you all the very best

Thanks Zera. Enjoy the reading!

Congratulations Sabi. Another dimension to your multi-faceted personality. Very best and go quill it now.

Thank you Ravi. Yes, I don’t plan to put the quill down anytime soon. Good to have you on this journey.

Congrats Sabi!!👍Looking forward to interesting reads

Thanks Padu. Enjoy the articles!

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