What Inspires Me To Write?

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What inspires me to write? That is a frequently asked question as well as whether I feel vulnerable when I expose myself.

I write because I am driven by a passion for self-expression, and it’s a conscious decision to put myself out there. Writing is cathartic for me.

Writing allows me to express and process information in many areas of my life. It taps into my innermost thoughts and feelings.

For decades, I’ve been writing and journaling my thoughts. It’s incredible to see a pattern emerge based on my experiences, expectations, connections, shifting perceptions, burning questions, underlying emotions, and so on. My treasure chest contains notes, papers, notebooks, diaries, notepads, sticky notes, and anything else I can scribble on.

They all tell me amazing stories! So, why not share these stories that might be engaging and relatable to others, inspire a few, advocate for causes, make a positive impact, explore imagination and creativity, have meaningful conversations with my readers, and so much more?

My mind is constantly on overdrive, with thoughts swirling in my head. It could be on the blog topics I like to write about, to-do lists (my favourite), checklists, reminders, or goals. Other times when I feel overwhelmed or uneasy for no apparent reason.

My memory isn’t what it used to be………… it’s now like a leaking bucket.

Thoughts are quick to evaporate from my brain, and if I am to get distracted, then I don’t even remember that I’ve forgotten. So, I write anything and everything that comes to mind because I don’t want to lose sight of it.

My notepad and pen are my constant companions. When I see or hear something that piques my creative and imaginative juices, I jot it down quickly and return to it later.

There is a world inside of me, with voices echoing and characters emerging, reliving experiences, and wanting to weave them into a story.

Do I get to create a world of my own? Yes, I do! It’s like flying on a magic carpet. 

Writing is a liberating force, and the articles I write bear more than a passing resemblance to me because they have a few of my traits and personality to guide my story.

I am meticulous with my thoughts, so even when I write down my daily to-do list, checklist, and project planning, they are all carefully written down so I can prioritize and get everything done within the timeframe. I believe in strategic planning and enjoy it immensely when everything comes together.

When I see it all written down, I gain perspective. It just sinks in better!

Some days words don’t come easily, or I wake up highly motivated to Do Nothing At All.

So, I set up automated responses to phone calls and messages, “Do Not Disturb. I’m busy doing nothing.” Not everyone gets it!

I see messages reminding me of upcoming deadlines and asking me to keep an ear out for the whooshing sound as they pass by. Give me a break!

The following day, my mind switches from laziness to obsession. You might want to avoid me when I go into operation overdrive. It freaks me out as well!

Writing has become a compulsion in everything I do, and with a busy day ahead, I need to use my writing techniques to stay motivated. Remember, I’m working in a deadline-induced panic.

Writing for me is both an Art and a Craft!

I redo my “To-Do List” for the day to include “Make a To-Do List” as the first task, followed by “Tasks that I managed to complete a couple of days ago,” and then the rest follows.

Here comes the exciting part! I reach out for my pen and check off the first three tasks, and then, Bam! My spirits are lifted, and I am ready to take on the world! It gives me a great sense of accomplishment and pride and motivation to complete the remaining tasks.

Stop expecting ‘Normal’ from me! That’s never going to happen!

I use these simple writing techniques to avoid running around like a headless chicken. When days spring surprises and unexpected events, and my mind is brimming, this calls for a “Cerebration.”  All I do is take a mental pause, rework my to-do list for the day, and carefully weigh all options to ensure sound judgement prevails.

Wondering if these are unrealistic productivity expectations? Hmm! 

I never pass up an opportunity to jot down my thoughts.  In my opinion, writing things down is the key to focused action.

I enjoy writing and it releases the inner me that not everyone knows!

I believe that I express myself more effectively in writing than in conversation. So, if I haven’t responded to something you’ve said or done, you may find the response in one of my articles.


Comments (6)

🙂to achieve this state of energy and swirling thoughts,I need to go to the bar.

Sabita, every blog you write is just mmmm good. Keep on writing don’t stop writing you are a star

Good one Sabita. Keep writing ✍️

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