Soar the Skies and Swim the Waters

Chickens and eaglet duck

As the sun rises, the roosters “cock-a-doodle-doo,” breaking the silence in the air. The coop door clangs opens and the roosters and chickens cluck out.

“Come out, you big fat chicken. You’re no different from them!” exclaims the farmer when he notices Garuda, “the Eagle,” nestled in the corner.

Garuda’s eyes well up and he walks out of the door. He ruffles his feathers, spreads his wings, flies a few feet above the ground, and the chickens go clucking under his large wingspan. This is one of his only happy moments of the day, along with spending time with his little friend Drake, “the Duckling.”

Garuda glides towards the pond and wraps his wings around Drake, who lets out a loud quack. They have developed a bond of affection and support for one another through life’s experiences.

“I’m concerned,” Drake says to Garuda, “you seem to be down lately; what’s the matter?”

“My heart tells me I don’t belong here,” Garuda responds, but I’m filled with fear, anxiety, and self-doubt.” I feel like a stranger in my own body. Who am I?  I’ve known the chickens as my only family for many years, but I don’t look like them, and I can’t eat grain and corn. Drake’s heart softens as he realizes Garuda is seeking validation.

Garuda’s childhood was a traumatic experience because of a lack of a nurturing environment. “Unsure of what he had found, a farmer placed an eagle’s egg in the nest of his barnyard hens. The eaglet hatched and grew up with the chicks, clucking and clacking and flying a few feet higher than the hens to flaunt his powerful wings. Because they constantly reminded him that he was a chicken, he grew up believing that he was a chicken.”

Drake points to the soaring eagles and says, “You know you’re one of them, but you’ve narrowed your thinking to what others think of you, and you’re living their reality rather than yours.”

I understand you didn’t have a choice when you were a child, but as an adult, you know what’s right and wrong and must consider your life choices. Nobody can deny that you are the “King of the Skies.”

At that moment, the skies open up and a raging storm sweeps over the farm, roaring like a mighty lion.

Drake whispers into Garuda’s ears, “They’re calling for you.” “Take the challenge and meet it head on.” He nudges, “Go, catch the storm and the strong winds that will lift you above the clouds.”

Garuda flaps his powerful wings, leaps into the air, and takes off at lightning speed. He hears mooing, braying, clucking, barking, oinking, quacking, and neighing, and flies higher until he hears them no more. The animals look at each other, embarrassed that they could have mistaken this magnificent bird for a chicken. How could they?

“Go Home, you magnificent one,” they all chanted in unison.

Drake lies on his back, flapping his wings, and beaming with pride. All the animals rushed to Drake’s side to reassure him they would always be there for him. Drake’s words of encouragement had a ripple effect on the rest of the group.

“In the future, never discourage anyone; instead, encourage them to set goals with a higher perspective,” Drake said, smiling.

Days, weeks, months, and seasons passed. Drake was lonely and missed Garuda. Finally one day, he noticed Garuda wallowing by the pond and clucked loudly. The chickens and farm animals rushed out. They were hesitant to look Garuda in the eyes after all the adversity they had inflicted on him.

“I’m so grateful for helping me overcome my fears and obstacles,” Garuda said as he turned to face Drake. “Thank you for always telling me to trust my instincts and everything will be fine.”

The tough and versatile wise old Goat walks up to Drake and says, “It’s NOW TIME for you to Swim the Waters like you taught Garuda to Soar the Skies.”

Look at yourself!” says Garuda as he leads Drake to the edge of the pond. Drake lowers his head and can’t believe his eyes when he sees a beautiful swan, possibly the most beautiful of all. Drake exclaims, “When did this happen?”

The old Goat bleats, “It’s all because of your concerted effort to remain positive. We’ve watched you struggle, face challenges, feel vulnerable in the face of uncertainty and with no role model. Now it’s time to encourage you to move in the positive direction. You’ve always been beautiful and now, you are beautiful from the inside out.

Drake is overcome with emotion and will be eternally grateful to his farm family for all their emotional support and boosting his self-esteem. Garuda breaks the silence with a high-pitched whistle, announcing that the swans are on their way home for the Spring; he spotted them earlier this morning.  

Remember all of your advice to me, and now it’s our turn to push you to be the person you want to be, your “ideal self.” There will always be someone who loves you for who you are. It’s never too late to make new friends, but don’t forget about us, says Garuda.

Tomorrow will be a new day, a new journey for Drake!

Drake wades into the water as the sun rises, spins around, stretches his beautiful neck, and flutters his wings. He spreads his wings and flies into the sky. His newly discovered strength allows him to forge a new identity.

Drake notices the approaching swans and hears them muttering and arguing when they notice him. “He can’t be the grey ugly duckling we left behind,” he overhears one of them say.

“Yes, I am the grey ugly duckling who has transformed into a swan and has carved out a reality in which I will live,” Drake responds.

You mocked me, ignored me and eventually abandoned me. But I owe you gratitude because I remained determined and committed to my goals and dreams. I didn’t let my emotional attachment cloud my decision-making.

I was overcome with difficulties, but I learned to be more aware of the larger purpose of my life and more aware of who I am!

The swans are humiliated and ask for forgiveness.

As the sun sets over the horizon, all of the farm animals and birds are left to experience the most vulnerable emotion of all: Joy; gratitude, inner peace and contentment.

There will be days when we find reasons to quit, hear voices of doubt, and feel helpless. Don’t give up, your story doesn’t end here. Turnaround!

The fable “The Eagle Who Thought He Was a Chicken” and the fairy tale “The Ugly Duckling” inspired me to write this story and incorporate life lessons. They frequently speak and relate in an engaging manner.


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Comments (1)

Very Inspiring Sabi!! Often, we are so clouded with our own emotions, that we tend to discount our strengths and abilities!
I recall those famous words in Lion King “remember who you are” that forces Simba to re-think his own life and lift his vision.
Well written!

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