The Time is NOW!


I’ve tied a knot at the end of my rope, and I am hanging on to my beautiful “ONE LIFE!”

When I turned 50, I decided that within the next decade, I would go all out to feed my soul and become “Sixtylicious.” This is where I am right now!

As I became more aware of my values, I learned to use them as a compass to guide and define the nature and existence of my life. As cliché as it may sound, life is short, and no one knows what tomorrow holds.

I don’t want to wait another 15-20 years to start over when my mind and body are most likely to fall apart.

“I counted my years and realized that I have less time to live than the time I’ve lived so far,” writes Brazilian poet Mario de Andrade.

The thought chills me to the bone. I’m not afraid of death, but I don’t want to look down and regret all the things I didn’t do.

Now that I’ve finally reached the “old and wise” stage……….. hello! I’ve barely finished the sentence, and you shriek with laughter? “Did she say she was wise?” I know it’s not an assuring thought!

Hold on before you double up laughing. I admit I was once young and stupid, but I’ve since learned the ropes. In my case, “Age did not show up on its own; wisdom accompanied it!”

Sometimes I would stand still, with my heart thumping out of my chest. I’d let the “Thump Thump, Thump Thump” build to a crescendo, so I hear what it feels like to be alive. How many more heartbeats until it’s Poof! and I’m gone in the blink of an eye?

I was angry having lived in my shadow and not having the courage or conviction to make a difference. I underestimated the power of small acts until I realized that small changes can make a big difference. I started to see the big picture and gave life a new meaning.

My wake-up call was loud!

We all know life gets harder as we get older. No matter where you are in life, it’s a great place to start “living consciously.” We have a habit of going with the flow. Consider your current priorities and nurture your creative side.

What did I do?

The first thing I did was slither out of the water hole before I drowned. My life revealed a new me when I shed all the skin that clung to me as my identity and the journey became easier and lighter.

I am not trapped in the past. I don’t want to make my life or the lives of others around me miserable by thinking negatively. I want to rock back and forth in a rocking chair, reminiscing about the good old days, laughing like a hyena, and bursting into tears for all the good reasons.

I surround myself with positive and like-minded people with dreams and visions. This nourishes our souls, and the energy is contagious. No drama or negativity. Others just pass by.

I would often wonder if my money looked better in a bank or on me. At my age, I’m constantly being told, “Money saved today may save you tomorrow,” so I take no chances and save, budget, and spend. I have a lot of spare changes stashed away in cookie jars and pillowcases to treat myself to some retail therapy. You’ll be amazed at how fashionable you can be on a budget.

It has been an exciting journey of learning and watching all the moves play out. I no longer play blind. I am the sum of my lived experiences.

Every day is a joy for me, and I am even more grateful when I wake up the next day. It’s stressful to be told, “Live each day as if it were your last.” Yes, it’s profound, and I understand what they’re trying to say, but it can be overwhelming. The pressure of having to do it all in one day could kill me before the day is over. I want to make every day a little more fulfilling, make it the most beautiful day of my life, and live it right.

Some say, “Live by the hour, not by the day.” What do you say to them? It makes me feel special that they wish to spend their final hour talking to me. I keep them happy, say nothing, and move on.

Today is one of those beautiful days that I want to share with you all about how I have learned to appreciate ordinary life. Staying grounded in my being made my experiences extraordinary.

Yes, I have regrets, but my life is full of wonderful memories, experiences, and people. Life is a reality to be experienced and I am not going to waste any more heartbeats.

I’m not in a rush to leave, nor am I ready for a smokin’ hot body!!!!!


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Comments (16)

I am confused. Do I know this person.

Good article and insights. To the otherside, what if life was unfair to you. There are umpteen cases were life was unfair with there loved ones is no more or they get into worst phase due to losses and reach to ground zero after living good life. How does it feels to see family struggle financially for basic requirements. If parents are abounded at old age by kids and list can go on….

Thanks. Yes, it is not easy and carries a very deep wound.

Well penned and so true!! I guess we are all at this stage but many refuse to accept the reality unless it comes jarring like an alarm clock right in front of them. All the same, best wishes always ❤️

Indeed so vividly articulated…and I guess valid thought for us .. in our silver phase ….live it up .. age is just a number ..

Sabita, you are awesome at expressing and relatable
Thanks my friend for this write

Refreshing. A free mind has said it all wonderfully!

Hi Sabi!
Wonderful…as always. Keep going!

Madhubala Munjuluri

Hi! Compliments on your writing or words like ‘very well written’, enjoyed reading etc seem to fall short. Read it through with a smile on my face. I guess that sums it up. Thank you for that!

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